Sunday, March 18, 2007


So, I watched 300. God, the work those actors did to become who they were is intense. I wish I had four months, a ridiculous amount of equipment and expensive trainers, and... yeah, four months. Sometimes I feel very drug down motivation-wise by people I'm around, I need to learn to shrug this feeling that because I'm doing more than someone else it's okay for me to be doing as little as I am.

Damn it, I need a rival. I ask any of you to come and heed my call, give me someone to compete against! I've got a partial rival already, but it's not enough, so far mostly just pushing me to be even more energetic. And I need to learn this Bruce Lee kick-up thing before they do.

I looked up Parkour on Youtube again and I felt tingles down my spine. I'm going to learn to do everything they do if it kills me, and it won't because I'm not an idiot. I know my limits, I know how to train for things before I do them, and most importantly I know my body. This will be helpful! There is no Free Running following in PG whatsoever, perhaps I'll change that after I get a little better at it, but for now I need to work on myself! My first challenges: kick-flip and handstands. I need an insane torso for some of those things, so an insane torso I shall have.

Oh! And I tried that personality test Nic had(thanks, by the way!)

I got a blank under love, I found it hilariously accurate! Though I must be a very odd person, because some of those sections just didn't have anything for me to click that made me remotely consider my choices. When my biggest vice has to be nail chewing just because that's one I have like once a month, I'd like a remake! Where was the vice about doing things until your arms don't work, or hurting your neck practicing kick-flips!? Bah!

This was a lot of post for talking about nothing. But yeah, essentially I'm going to continue researching Parkour and start practicing it, I'm excited. If anyone else interested, unlikely as that is, let me know!

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