Saturday, February 17, 2007


Things are going well, my main objective now is to achieve employment at another place of business. I don't think that'll be difficult, I have very nice hair and can do one-armed push-ups, what more could somebody want?

I've been having fun with the guitar, and I'm secretly competitive with everyone else who plays it. I can't challenge anybody to guitar duels to the death because I only just started taking it seriously. However, don't be surprised to see me stepping out infront of you in a dark alleyway in the near future. It may be today, it may be tomorrow, (it couldn't possibly be yesterday, I would've remembered) and it may be a year from now. But one thing is certain. When that fateful day comes, you'd better have brought your axe. God knows I'm bringing mine.

Forgive me as I digress from guitassinations and move on to health and fitness. I've been sick for about a week and a half, and it's lame. Not to mention I have a canker sore that doesn't seem to want to quit, it's been there almost a week. I can't instantly assume it's scurvy like I always used to, because I've grown fond of apple juice in the past little while. I think the only explanation is that my body needs rest, however much that may suck. I'm fiddling with my bo staff again when the weather becomes nicer, though I seem to remember very little sadly. I've been doing tiny bits of fitness to ease myself back in from being sick, trying not to push it.

In conclusion, I've started my lis.t I think my sickness shouldn't be keeping my pace to complete it as low as it has been though. Things are okay, but they could be better, and I they will be.


Andrea said...

can you really do one armed push ups? that is pretty cool.

A.J. said...

Yup! At least ten good ones with my right arm, no sort of joke involved! I plan to get better soon too, now that it's summer means it's better physical improvement for everyone!